Tuesday, March 13, 2012

curiosity...a talent or a gift?

Why do people do what they do? What makes them do the very little thing they do every day? What's their motivation? What's the purpose behind all that? What makes you smile? What makes you read? What makes you say that? Why do you bother so much for others? Why do we work? Why do we study? Why are we here?
So many questions..so few answers...If I look deep inside me I find an answer for all that. But maybe it's because I'm to afraid to lose what I have, that I don't use it. Maybe I'm scared that, once it's out, it'll never come back to me. Why am I afraid, though?
Is it from inside us? Is it something we are gifted with, or do we achieve it along time? How do I use it? There's no instruction book, there's no one who can teach you that. You have to learn it. To use it and at the same time to gather the fruits of your passion. Seek deep into you, find what you like doing, find the "why" behind everything. After that, put all your time, passion and energy to that, keep seeking, keep looking, keep achieving. Be creative. Have vision. Do it!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

curiosity...a talent or a gift?

Why do people do what they do? What makes them do the very little thing they do every day? What's their motivation? What's the purpose behind all that? What makes you smile? What makes you read? What makes you say that? Why do you bother so much for others? Why do we work? Why do we study? Why are we here?
So many questions..so few answers...If I look deep inside me I find an answer for all that. But maybe it's because I'm to afraid to lose what I have, that I don't use it. Maybe I'm scared that, once it's out, it'll never come back to me. Why am I afraid, though?
Is it from inside us? Is it something we are gifted with, or do we achieve it along time? How do I use it? There's no instruction book, there's no one who can teach you that. You have to learn it. To use it and at the same time to gather the fruits of your passion. Seek deep into you, find what you like doing, find the "why" behind everything. After that, put all your time, passion and energy to that, keep seeking, keep looking, keep achieving. Be creative. Have vision. Do it!

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