Monday, November 28, 2011

22 Nov. 2011

"I used to pray for inspiration..Now I'm praying for experiences"..


I woke up this morning thinking...:"Another normal day"... I had this boring feeling about doing the same thing everyday. Wake up, read and write, go to school, go to work, come back home, eat, drink, smile, cry..Everyday, the same thing? Than I thought: No. Everyday is special. Everyday is a day I won't get the chance to meet again. Every second that passes by brings me closer to forever. You see, even I do the same things everyday, the circumstances and people I meet or see, won't be the same.Today I might feel good, tomorrow I might feel bad. Today I might meet you, tomorrow I won't. I might have this feeling that I am bored but in fact, everyday we're getting older, without noticing. Time's flying by. You can't stop it. You won't have this day again. You won't get the chance to do the things that you are doing today. I wrote on a page :"Today I am here. Standing at the kitchen table, reading my dear Bible and writing. Tomorrow I might be somewhere else. I don't know where, but maybe not here anymore, not doing the same things"...
Today might be sunny. Tomorrow might rain. But everyday, is one of a kind. Everyday is a gift for living. What are you going to do with it? I, myself want to do unexpected things, maybe do things for the first time in my life, maybe sing on the streets, maybe tell someone that I love her/him.I'm gonna let the sun shine onto my face until it goes down. I'll count my blessings, sing to my Lord, and praise Him for another gift. The gift of being alive today...


In case you needed a "push" for today... Sometimes for us (girls), mornings can be really tough. We fight with bad-haired days, with untreated feelings and sometimes we feel like the last person someone would talk to. Because this is what we are. We cry when we are happy and we laugh when we are sad. Sometimes we see ourselves too skinny or too fat. And sometimes we forget how valuable we are. And I'm not talking about human value but that price that God paid for us. He put some time apart for us, you know? We were not made just like that. He created us in an unique and special way, He outlined a life line for us and He made a plan for our lives. He put a special talent and a gift in our hearts and He made us in such way, that no one can be exactly like us and remember: there are things that only you can do. No one on this Earth can do the things that you can. You are unique. You are special, not just because you are a girl, but because He created you. You are not from nowhere. You are here for a purpose. There is something inside you that God put in, something that no one else have. The Bible says every each of us has a gift. You have a gift...Maybe you think that you were not created by Him, that you simply appeared from nowhere, or you evolved from bacteria or tiny little particles. Then let me ask you something: Do bacteria and particles have feelings? Because if you think that physically you evolved from those little atoms, where do feeling come from? How come we feel things like, disappointment or anger or wonder? Why can't bacteria cry? Where do this come from? Can bacterias and atoms feel?Don't you think that is strange and unusual? There's gotta be something more behind this. Someone who manages all this thing from behind what we can see. Feeling didn't developed from bacterias as I didn't evolved from monkeys:)
So, next time when you wake up one morning feeling like nothing, take few moments to really think about who you are and the reason why you are here...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good morning

It's hardly 6 in the morning and I am awake. I should be on my way to work, but here I am trying to make my thoughts fit. I had a great experience a few days ago, and I still feel the taste of it. It's something about friendship. And about what makes it last. I've heard opinions about this subject but most of them seemed to me very objective. I think friendship is something you are involved in with heart and soul. It is not based on how many times you've had fun with a person, nor the fact that you feel good when that person is around. It is not a feeling nor a mood. Friendship is based on a strong determination and life-long motivation. It means to stand by your friend when she/he needs the most. Like a warm and trusty shoulder in a cold winter weather. Right in the middle of the street. It means to love unconditionally even when she/he does not deserve.
I have a best friend. But our story does not begin with a white night spent together or with "things we have in common". We didn't make a list of the "things we like most" or "people we hate". My first conversation with her was about our common Friend. Jesus. And what He has done for each of us. I know that our relationship is based on Him. And I do not live with the fear that one day she will be taken from me (except when she will go Home), because I know that this kind of relationship is one of a life time.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


They say it does not exist. That it's just a myth. That it's just a fairy tale. How come I feel it every day? How come it changed me so much?...Fairy tales does not change life! How come this one does?...

The bridge

It is said that on his way to conquer the world, Alexandru Macedon passed through a lot of countries. Every time he crossed a bridge, he would turn back and tear it to the ground. This way his army knew there is no turning back. There was only ahead.They knew their purpose and desire was laying ahead. This was their catchword:"No turning back"...They had this oath before enrolling the army, and they would give their last breath for their country and goal. Even if they knew their families and friends and life was back there, they had no change to get there. They've given up everything for that one goal. Everything.
I think it is the same in a christian life. You have to break down every little bridge that keeps you in touch with your past. Once you've known Jesus and what He has done for you, you no longer belong to your past. That includes your acts, words, vice or sin." You are no longer a slave of your sin". "They will know the Truth and the Truth will give them freedom".
If there's any bridge that keeps you turning back every time, maybe it's time you should do something about it. You should know where are you heading.You shouldn't let anything to get in your way,in your way to Christ. Everyday is a battlefield. A battle which should be brought down to your knees. That's the place where the end of your daily battle is written. Either you win it, or lose it... The more bridges you let behind, the harder will be for you to advance. Tear that bridges down!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


"When you think you've done enough, push it just a little bit. You will see there's room for more. There will always be room for one more smile, one more hug, one more person. The Earth is not too small for you to fit in"...

Friday, November 18, 2011

what if?...

I was listening to this video, and an idea popped into my head: what if there would be a site where all can write and share their life stories?... Something like facebook, but with another purpose. A site on which people can share their life experiences, their stories. It would be like talking to an old friend. You could get help or advice, you can read others people stories, you can find true friends with whom you can talk, or laugh or cry. It would be like a huge mailbox. I used to keep in touch with my friends through letters for a while. I was telling them about my student life and about the changes that have marked my life. For so long this way of expressing myself have helped me, which is why I'm writing even now. Some stories have really marked me, have impressed me and motivated me to go on with my life. I think that if ever, this idea would take root in someones hands, it would be a great opportunity for everybody to realize that they're not alone. Your life can influence mine and so on...
Listening to people's life stories, have made me realize I'm not the only one with problems. But much more important, listening to their problems and trying to help or to encourage others, have made my problems seem too small to give them any attention. It made me realize I'm truly blessed. I think that if we could make time to listen to the ones who need to be listened , we will change our life and much more. We could start living as a huge community, where everyone is important and everyone is helped...
It's a really nice dream, isn't it?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

hello, my friend

It's amazing how ideas hit me in the morning. I just wake up and: there they are! Sometimes I wonder: do they ever sleep? They're like a bunch of kids trying to wake up their parents on the Christmas morning.
Anyways, I saw you on the streets today. I don't know what's going on, but, seriously, you should change your face! Or at least your attitude...It's something about it that makes you think: "Man! That dude just got hit!" Seriously, you should do something about it. It's not that you should smile all the time or something, but try to cheer up a little bit. Shake off that unhappiness. Literally. Take yourself by your neck, and shake it off! Take that mood down. We are humans, we all have good and bad days, but if I ever learned something in my 21-year-life, is that life does not pat you on the back.. No, no. It hits you like a full- speed train. Right there, in front of your eyes. It's unexpected. It's harsh. Sometimes, rude. What's important is, how do you deal with it. And here you have two options. You either run, or face it. Someone told me once:" Think about your death everyday. Face your enemy. You can do it". That made me wonder. Who is my enemy? Fear of death? Fear of others? Fear of the unknown?
Well, my friend, let me tell you something. All I see everyday are people who are scared of something or someone. People who are so scared that they're not gonna be accepted that they live their life based on compromise and lies. People so scared they're not gonna be loved, that they give their treasures and everything they have best to anyone who asks for it. People who seek confidence and peace in wrong places, such as drugs and drinks or sex. Fear is haunting this Earth, wreaking peoples' hearts and life, leaving behind broken hearts and uncertainty.
It's been my fearest enemy for as long as I can remember. I can't tell you I'm cured of it, but I've learned that every day is battle field. A fight that it's taken down to the place of it. On my knees. And I can tell you my friend, there is always, Someone who is listening.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Isaia 49:15

Cine stie cu adevarat ce se afla in sufletul unei mame? Cine stie ce se intampla in sufletul ei atunci cand isi tine pentru prima data copilul nou-nascut in palme? Cine poate masura dragostea unei mame? Cine poate exprima durerea ei atunci cand pierde un copil? Ce se intampla in sufletul ei cand isi vede puii parasind cuibul? Cine poate acoperi imensul gol lasat in urma de ei? Care este sentimentul care poate descrie perfect starea inimii ei atunci cand isi vede copilul inaintand spre altar? Cum poate o mama sa aiba o asa rabdare? Unde gasesti maini mai aspre decat a ei? Si totusi care maini te mangaie mai blajin ca mainile de mama?... Ai vazut ochi mai inlacrimati ca cei de mama? Ai ascultat o melodie mai frumoasa decat cea cantata de ea? Cate rugaciuni soptite, udate de lacrimi fierbinti nu ti-au auzit urechile in noptile cand febra nu scadea sau durerea din piciorul rupt nu contenea? Cati ani nu te-a asteptat mama ta sa te intorci?
Tin minte ca de multe ori o priveam pe mama spaland mormane de haine, dezinfectand biberoane si calcand rufarie cat pentru un camin de studenti. Se trezea prima, se culca ultima. Casa arata ca un pahar in fiecare dimineata.
Imi amintesc cum imi facea "mai-mai" pe spate sau ma legana cu perna pe picioare, pana somnul imi inchidea de tot genele. Imi amintesc cum ne lua in jurul ei, cu vechea Biblie in mana si ne citea despre Iov, despre Moise si Avraam...
O mama nu uita niciodata ca a fost si ea copil... Ea iubeste pana la ultima suflare, iarta pana ramane fara iertare...
Si totusi:" Poate o femeie sa uite copilul pe care-l alapteaza si sa nu aiba mila de rodul pantecelui ei? Dar chiar daca l-ar uita, totusi, Eu nu te voi uita cu nici un chip"...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken

"Cata energie consumam pe altarul impacarii cu noi insine, daca suntem victimele unei respingeri sau daca ne comparam cu altii!Multi aduc aceste incertitudini in relatiile lor cu Dumnezeu si nu stiu cum sa le franga stramtoarea.Dureri nemarturisite ne paralizeaza pe multi dintre noi, fiindca nu intelegem ca Dumnezeu ne-a creat diferit!Ne lasam cuprinsi de iritare cand vedem ca cineva este exuberant si dorim sa-i negam aceasta trasatura, cand, de fapt,Dumnezeu ne-a creat pe fiecare dintre noi cu o personalitate distincta.Invers, ma simt la fel de deranjat de cel care, aflandu-se pe culmile emotionale, nu intelege dispozitia mai rezervata a altuia. Unul din cele mai izbavitoare momente ale vietii este acela cand suntem in stare sa ne acceptam asa cum ne-a creat Dumnezeu si sa ne eliberam de catusele incercarilor de a fi cineva sau ceva ce nu am fost meniti niciodata sa fim. Abia atunci vom putea sa ne avantam spre acea personalitate unica pe care Dumnezeu a dat-o fiecaruia dintre noi"...
Ma regsesc in citatul lui Ravi. De multe ori m-am intrebat de ce nu pot fi ca ceilalti. De ce ea/el poate si eu nu?Sau, uitandu-ma la altii facand un lucru, mi-am zis:"pot si eu", insa incercand sa fac ca ei, am dat-o in bara. De ce? Niciodata insa nu m-am intrebat daca intr-adevar ce faceam sau eram pe cale sa fac, era bine, sau daca era ceea ce trebuia sa fac. Pur si simplu m-am lasat prinsa in mreaja "spiritului de turma". Iar faptul ca altii puteau, imi dadea impresia ca trebuie sa reusesc si eu. Insa nu e asa.. Stiu ca altii pot fi modelele noastre si ca unii sunt o adevarata inspiratie pentru noi, insa niciodata nu vom putea fi ei. Incep sa ma gandesc la milioanele de adolescenti care au drept model o "papusa de Hollywood", care sunt inspirati de "personalitati" adolescentine, visand poate sa apara poate intr-o zi pe coperta vreunei reviste.
Vrem sa fim altcineva, insa niciodata nu cautam sa vedem ce se ascunde in spatele tuturor zambetelor galante sau a rochiilor de seara. Nu ne sinchisim sa cautam adevarul din spatele unui zvon ci inghitim ciocolata cu tot cu staniol. Vrem sa fim ca ei, nestiind ca, de fapt, ei sunt cei care au nevoie de un model sau de un tel in viata.Suntem gata sa renuntam la multe pentru ca sa fim ca cineva. Nu ne intrebam insa, daca ei ar renunta la ceva ca sa fie ca noi.
Cineva spunea odata :"Defineste viata privind inapoi si traieste-o privind inainte".Cred ca la asta se rezuma ,pana la urma. Viata iti este definita nu de o persoana, ci de scopul ei in sine. Incepe viata de la coada la cap.Pare absurd dar daca stai si te gandesti, cam asa e. Stabileste-ti un scop, iar acel scop iti va influenta viata. Porneste de la scop, si vei ajunge la implinire."Daca acel scop este de a avea mai multa intimitate cu Dumnezeu, atunci merita sa renunti la bine pentru mai bine"..

Monday, November 28, 2011

22 Nov. 2011

"I used to pray for inspiration..Now I'm praying for experiences"..


I woke up this morning thinking...:"Another normal day"... I had this boring feeling about doing the same thing everyday. Wake up, read and write, go to school, go to work, come back home, eat, drink, smile, cry..Everyday, the same thing? Than I thought: No. Everyday is special. Everyday is a day I won't get the chance to meet again. Every second that passes by brings me closer to forever. You see, even I do the same things everyday, the circumstances and people I meet or see, won't be the same.Today I might feel good, tomorrow I might feel bad. Today I might meet you, tomorrow I won't. I might have this feeling that I am bored but in fact, everyday we're getting older, without noticing. Time's flying by. You can't stop it. You won't have this day again. You won't get the chance to do the things that you are doing today. I wrote on a page :"Today I am here. Standing at the kitchen table, reading my dear Bible and writing. Tomorrow I might be somewhere else. I don't know where, but maybe not here anymore, not doing the same things"...
Today might be sunny. Tomorrow might rain. But everyday, is one of a kind. Everyday is a gift for living. What are you going to do with it? I, myself want to do unexpected things, maybe do things for the first time in my life, maybe sing on the streets, maybe tell someone that I love her/him.I'm gonna let the sun shine onto my face until it goes down. I'll count my blessings, sing to my Lord, and praise Him for another gift. The gift of being alive today...


In case you needed a "push" for today... Sometimes for us (girls), mornings can be really tough. We fight with bad-haired days, with untreated feelings and sometimes we feel like the last person someone would talk to. Because this is what we are. We cry when we are happy and we laugh when we are sad. Sometimes we see ourselves too skinny or too fat. And sometimes we forget how valuable we are. And I'm not talking about human value but that price that God paid for us. He put some time apart for us, you know? We were not made just like that. He created us in an unique and special way, He outlined a life line for us and He made a plan for our lives. He put a special talent and a gift in our hearts and He made us in such way, that no one can be exactly like us and remember: there are things that only you can do. No one on this Earth can do the things that you can. You are unique. You are special, not just because you are a girl, but because He created you. You are not from nowhere. You are here for a purpose. There is something inside you that God put in, something that no one else have. The Bible says every each of us has a gift. You have a gift...Maybe you think that you were not created by Him, that you simply appeared from nowhere, or you evolved from bacteria or tiny little particles. Then let me ask you something: Do bacteria and particles have feelings? Because if you think that physically you evolved from those little atoms, where do feeling come from? How come we feel things like, disappointment or anger or wonder? Why can't bacteria cry? Where do this come from? Can bacterias and atoms feel?Don't you think that is strange and unusual? There's gotta be something more behind this. Someone who manages all this thing from behind what we can see. Feeling didn't developed from bacterias as I didn't evolved from monkeys:)
So, next time when you wake up one morning feeling like nothing, take few moments to really think about who you are and the reason why you are here...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good morning

It's hardly 6 in the morning and I am awake. I should be on my way to work, but here I am trying to make my thoughts fit. I had a great experience a few days ago, and I still feel the taste of it. It's something about friendship. And about what makes it last. I've heard opinions about this subject but most of them seemed to me very objective. I think friendship is something you are involved in with heart and soul. It is not based on how many times you've had fun with a person, nor the fact that you feel good when that person is around. It is not a feeling nor a mood. Friendship is based on a strong determination and life-long motivation. It means to stand by your friend when she/he needs the most. Like a warm and trusty shoulder in a cold winter weather. Right in the middle of the street. It means to love unconditionally even when she/he does not deserve.
I have a best friend. But our story does not begin with a white night spent together or with "things we have in common". We didn't make a list of the "things we like most" or "people we hate". My first conversation with her was about our common Friend. Jesus. And what He has done for each of us. I know that our relationship is based on Him. And I do not live with the fear that one day she will be taken from me (except when she will go Home), because I know that this kind of relationship is one of a life time.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


They say it does not exist. That it's just a myth. That it's just a fairy tale. How come I feel it every day? How come it changed me so much?...Fairy tales does not change life! How come this one does?...

The bridge

It is said that on his way to conquer the world, Alexandru Macedon passed through a lot of countries. Every time he crossed a bridge, he would turn back and tear it to the ground. This way his army knew there is no turning back. There was only ahead.They knew their purpose and desire was laying ahead. This was their catchword:"No turning back"...They had this oath before enrolling the army, and they would give their last breath for their country and goal. Even if they knew their families and friends and life was back there, they had no change to get there. They've given up everything for that one goal. Everything.
I think it is the same in a christian life. You have to break down every little bridge that keeps you in touch with your past. Once you've known Jesus and what He has done for you, you no longer belong to your past. That includes your acts, words, vice or sin." You are no longer a slave of your sin". "They will know the Truth and the Truth will give them freedom".
If there's any bridge that keeps you turning back every time, maybe it's time you should do something about it. You should know where are you heading.You shouldn't let anything to get in your way,in your way to Christ. Everyday is a battlefield. A battle which should be brought down to your knees. That's the place where the end of your daily battle is written. Either you win it, or lose it... The more bridges you let behind, the harder will be for you to advance. Tear that bridges down!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


"When you think you've done enough, push it just a little bit. You will see there's room for more. There will always be room for one more smile, one more hug, one more person. The Earth is not too small for you to fit in"...

Friday, November 18, 2011

what if?...

I was listening to this video, and an idea popped into my head: what if there would be a site where all can write and share their life stories?... Something like facebook, but with another purpose. A site on which people can share their life experiences, their stories. It would be like talking to an old friend. You could get help or advice, you can read others people stories, you can find true friends with whom you can talk, or laugh or cry. It would be like a huge mailbox. I used to keep in touch with my friends through letters for a while. I was telling them about my student life and about the changes that have marked my life. For so long this way of expressing myself have helped me, which is why I'm writing even now. Some stories have really marked me, have impressed me and motivated me to go on with my life. I think that if ever, this idea would take root in someones hands, it would be a great opportunity for everybody to realize that they're not alone. Your life can influence mine and so on...
Listening to people's life stories, have made me realize I'm not the only one with problems. But much more important, listening to their problems and trying to help or to encourage others, have made my problems seem too small to give them any attention. It made me realize I'm truly blessed. I think that if we could make time to listen to the ones who need to be listened , we will change our life and much more. We could start living as a huge community, where everyone is important and everyone is helped...
It's a really nice dream, isn't it?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

hello, my friend

It's amazing how ideas hit me in the morning. I just wake up and: there they are! Sometimes I wonder: do they ever sleep? They're like a bunch of kids trying to wake up their parents on the Christmas morning.
Anyways, I saw you on the streets today. I don't know what's going on, but, seriously, you should change your face! Or at least your attitude...It's something about it that makes you think: "Man! That dude just got hit!" Seriously, you should do something about it. It's not that you should smile all the time or something, but try to cheer up a little bit. Shake off that unhappiness. Literally. Take yourself by your neck, and shake it off! Take that mood down. We are humans, we all have good and bad days, but if I ever learned something in my 21-year-life, is that life does not pat you on the back.. No, no. It hits you like a full- speed train. Right there, in front of your eyes. It's unexpected. It's harsh. Sometimes, rude. What's important is, how do you deal with it. And here you have two options. You either run, or face it. Someone told me once:" Think about your death everyday. Face your enemy. You can do it". That made me wonder. Who is my enemy? Fear of death? Fear of others? Fear of the unknown?
Well, my friend, let me tell you something. All I see everyday are people who are scared of something or someone. People who are so scared that they're not gonna be accepted that they live their life based on compromise and lies. People so scared they're not gonna be loved, that they give their treasures and everything they have best to anyone who asks for it. People who seek confidence and peace in wrong places, such as drugs and drinks or sex. Fear is haunting this Earth, wreaking peoples' hearts and life, leaving behind broken hearts and uncertainty.
It's been my fearest enemy for as long as I can remember. I can't tell you I'm cured of it, but I've learned that every day is battle field. A fight that it's taken down to the place of it. On my knees. And I can tell you my friend, there is always, Someone who is listening.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Isaia 49:15

Cine stie cu adevarat ce se afla in sufletul unei mame? Cine stie ce se intampla in sufletul ei atunci cand isi tine pentru prima data copilul nou-nascut in palme? Cine poate masura dragostea unei mame? Cine poate exprima durerea ei atunci cand pierde un copil? Ce se intampla in sufletul ei cand isi vede puii parasind cuibul? Cine poate acoperi imensul gol lasat in urma de ei? Care este sentimentul care poate descrie perfect starea inimii ei atunci cand isi vede copilul inaintand spre altar? Cum poate o mama sa aiba o asa rabdare? Unde gasesti maini mai aspre decat a ei? Si totusi care maini te mangaie mai blajin ca mainile de mama?... Ai vazut ochi mai inlacrimati ca cei de mama? Ai ascultat o melodie mai frumoasa decat cea cantata de ea? Cate rugaciuni soptite, udate de lacrimi fierbinti nu ti-au auzit urechile in noptile cand febra nu scadea sau durerea din piciorul rupt nu contenea? Cati ani nu te-a asteptat mama ta sa te intorci?
Tin minte ca de multe ori o priveam pe mama spaland mormane de haine, dezinfectand biberoane si calcand rufarie cat pentru un camin de studenti. Se trezea prima, se culca ultima. Casa arata ca un pahar in fiecare dimineata.
Imi amintesc cum imi facea "mai-mai" pe spate sau ma legana cu perna pe picioare, pana somnul imi inchidea de tot genele. Imi amintesc cum ne lua in jurul ei, cu vechea Biblie in mana si ne citea despre Iov, despre Moise si Avraam...
O mama nu uita niciodata ca a fost si ea copil... Ea iubeste pana la ultima suflare, iarta pana ramane fara iertare...
Si totusi:" Poate o femeie sa uite copilul pe care-l alapteaza si sa nu aiba mila de rodul pantecelui ei? Dar chiar daca l-ar uita, totusi, Eu nu te voi uita cu nici un chip"...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken

"Cata energie consumam pe altarul impacarii cu noi insine, daca suntem victimele unei respingeri sau daca ne comparam cu altii!Multi aduc aceste incertitudini in relatiile lor cu Dumnezeu si nu stiu cum sa le franga stramtoarea.Dureri nemarturisite ne paralizeaza pe multi dintre noi, fiindca nu intelegem ca Dumnezeu ne-a creat diferit!Ne lasam cuprinsi de iritare cand vedem ca cineva este exuberant si dorim sa-i negam aceasta trasatura, cand, de fapt,Dumnezeu ne-a creat pe fiecare dintre noi cu o personalitate distincta.Invers, ma simt la fel de deranjat de cel care, aflandu-se pe culmile emotionale, nu intelege dispozitia mai rezervata a altuia. Unul din cele mai izbavitoare momente ale vietii este acela cand suntem in stare sa ne acceptam asa cum ne-a creat Dumnezeu si sa ne eliberam de catusele incercarilor de a fi cineva sau ceva ce nu am fost meniti niciodata sa fim. Abia atunci vom putea sa ne avantam spre acea personalitate unica pe care Dumnezeu a dat-o fiecaruia dintre noi"...
Ma regsesc in citatul lui Ravi. De multe ori m-am intrebat de ce nu pot fi ca ceilalti. De ce ea/el poate si eu nu?Sau, uitandu-ma la altii facand un lucru, mi-am zis:"pot si eu", insa incercand sa fac ca ei, am dat-o in bara. De ce? Niciodata insa nu m-am intrebat daca intr-adevar ce faceam sau eram pe cale sa fac, era bine, sau daca era ceea ce trebuia sa fac. Pur si simplu m-am lasat prinsa in mreaja "spiritului de turma". Iar faptul ca altii puteau, imi dadea impresia ca trebuie sa reusesc si eu. Insa nu e asa.. Stiu ca altii pot fi modelele noastre si ca unii sunt o adevarata inspiratie pentru noi, insa niciodata nu vom putea fi ei. Incep sa ma gandesc la milioanele de adolescenti care au drept model o "papusa de Hollywood", care sunt inspirati de "personalitati" adolescentine, visand poate sa apara poate intr-o zi pe coperta vreunei reviste.
Vrem sa fim altcineva, insa niciodata nu cautam sa vedem ce se ascunde in spatele tuturor zambetelor galante sau a rochiilor de seara. Nu ne sinchisim sa cautam adevarul din spatele unui zvon ci inghitim ciocolata cu tot cu staniol. Vrem sa fim ca ei, nestiind ca, de fapt, ei sunt cei care au nevoie de un model sau de un tel in viata.Suntem gata sa renuntam la multe pentru ca sa fim ca cineva. Nu ne intrebam insa, daca ei ar renunta la ceva ca sa fie ca noi.
Cineva spunea odata :"Defineste viata privind inapoi si traieste-o privind inainte".Cred ca la asta se rezuma ,pana la urma. Viata iti este definita nu de o persoana, ci de scopul ei in sine. Incepe viata de la coada la cap.Pare absurd dar daca stai si te gandesti, cam asa e. Stabileste-ti un scop, iar acel scop iti va influenta viata. Porneste de la scop, si vei ajunge la implinire."Daca acel scop este de a avea mai multa intimitate cu Dumnezeu, atunci merita sa renunti la bine pentru mai bine"..