Monday, November 28, 2011


In case you needed a "push" for today... Sometimes for us (girls), mornings can be really tough. We fight with bad-haired days, with untreated feelings and sometimes we feel like the last person someone would talk to. Because this is what we are. We cry when we are happy and we laugh when we are sad. Sometimes we see ourselves too skinny or too fat. And sometimes we forget how valuable we are. And I'm not talking about human value but that price that God paid for us. He put some time apart for us, you know? We were not made just like that. He created us in an unique and special way, He outlined a life line for us and He made a plan for our lives. He put a special talent and a gift in our hearts and He made us in such way, that no one can be exactly like us and remember: there are things that only you can do. No one on this Earth can do the things that you can. You are unique. You are special, not just because you are a girl, but because He created you. You are not from nowhere. You are here for a purpose. There is something inside you that God put in, something that no one else have. The Bible says every each of us has a gift. You have a gift...Maybe you think that you were not created by Him, that you simply appeared from nowhere, or you evolved from bacteria or tiny little particles. Then let me ask you something: Do bacteria and particles have feelings? Because if you think that physically you evolved from those little atoms, where do feeling come from? How come we feel things like, disappointment or anger or wonder? Why can't bacteria cry? Where do this come from? Can bacterias and atoms feel?Don't you think that is strange and unusual? There's gotta be something more behind this. Someone who manages all this thing from behind what we can see. Feeling didn't developed from bacterias as I didn't evolved from monkeys:)
So, next time when you wake up one morning feeling like nothing, take few moments to really think about who you are and the reason why you are here...

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Monday, November 28, 2011


In case you needed a "push" for today... Sometimes for us (girls), mornings can be really tough. We fight with bad-haired days, with untreated feelings and sometimes we feel like the last person someone would talk to. Because this is what we are. We cry when we are happy and we laugh when we are sad. Sometimes we see ourselves too skinny or too fat. And sometimes we forget how valuable we are. And I'm not talking about human value but that price that God paid for us. He put some time apart for us, you know? We were not made just like that. He created us in an unique and special way, He outlined a life line for us and He made a plan for our lives. He put a special talent and a gift in our hearts and He made us in such way, that no one can be exactly like us and remember: there are things that only you can do. No one on this Earth can do the things that you can. You are unique. You are special, not just because you are a girl, but because He created you. You are not from nowhere. You are here for a purpose. There is something inside you that God put in, something that no one else have. The Bible says every each of us has a gift. You have a gift...Maybe you think that you were not created by Him, that you simply appeared from nowhere, or you evolved from bacteria or tiny little particles. Then let me ask you something: Do bacteria and particles have feelings? Because if you think that physically you evolved from those little atoms, where do feeling come from? How come we feel things like, disappointment or anger or wonder? Why can't bacteria cry? Where do this come from? Can bacterias and atoms feel?Don't you think that is strange and unusual? There's gotta be something more behind this. Someone who manages all this thing from behind what we can see. Feeling didn't developed from bacterias as I didn't evolved from monkeys:)
So, next time when you wake up one morning feeling like nothing, take few moments to really think about who you are and the reason why you are here...

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